SDLjump by Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente ==================================== This program tries to clone the great XJump game, while adding some nice features to it. You can distribute, copy and alter it in the terms of the GPL license. Read COPYING for mor details. Installation ============ Extract the sources: tar xjvf sdljump-VERSION.tar.bz2 And then run: ./configure make make install For more compilation options: ./configure --help For a further explanation read INSTALL. Options ======= To view the whole range of options availible run: ./sdljump --help Default Controls ================ These are the default controls: Plaryer 1: up - up key left - left key right - right key Plaryer 2: up - w key left - a key right - d key Plaryer 3: up - i key left - j key right - l key Plaryer 4: up - kp8 key left - kp4 key right - kp6 key The MODE tab in the High Scores screen ====================================== The "mode" tab in the Highscores might seem strange at first, but it is quite simple: it represents the Game Mode options set in that match. Each letter represents an option: 1st Letter: The FPS limiter 's': Sdljump default - An arbitrary FPS limit. 'x': Xjump - 40 fps, the xjump default 2nd Letter: The player rotation 's': Sdljump default - full rotation. 'x': Xjump rotation mode 'n': No rotation 3rd Letter: The falling floors scroll mode. 's': Sdljump default - Soft 'x': Xjump - Hard